Children and families are the center of our work.

A Bridge to Help, Healing, and Hope
The Bridge Family Center is a non-profit agency in the Greater Hartford community that supports children, teens, young adults, families, parents and caregivers through positive intervention and prevention programs – all fueled by a deep empathy for others. From short-term shelter, food, clothing, counseling, and life-skills training for high-risk teenagers, to our Mosaic Parenting Centers helping parents to regain custody of their children, the depth and breadth of our services are as diverse as our community. Where there is a need, the Bridge responds – every time!
How We Help
Parents & Caregivers
Family Resource Center
The FRC offers a variety of family programs and support services that enhance parenting, promote family involvement with the schools, and help children to succeed.
Mosaic Parenting Centers
This Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF)-referred program offers structured support and coaching during family visitation sessions for parents who are working on family reunification.
A Safe Haven for Families and Children Since 1969
Many people struggle in silence, but we are here to help. How can we help you or someone you know? Reach out to our dedicated team today.
Stories of Success
Read stories of how we foster the courage and strength in children and families to meet life's challenges and build fulfilling lives.
Counseling at The Bridge
Anna & Barbara share their story of a brighter future.
Read MoreAbout Counseling at The Bridge -
Hope for Homeless Teens
Justin shares his story of finding shelter at the Bridge.
Read MoreAbout Hope for Homeless Teens -
Family Support Services
Bridging a cultural gap for new families in West Hartford.
Read MoreAbout Family Support Services
Building Bridges to a Better Tomorrow
See how you or your organization can support our community.