Independent Living Program

In 1988, we created the Independent Living Programs, to help older teens develop a high level of self-sufficiency as they transition from dependent to independent living.

Our Program

The Independent Living Program is overseen by our program director, Bryan Block and includes:

Teens talking at desk

Youth In Transition

The Bridge Family Center's Youth in Transition (YIT) Transitional Living Program is an innovative and critical program for runaway and homeless youth (RHY) ages 16-23 (16-21 upon entry), including non-system youth and pregnant and parenting teens and their children in Central
Connecticut, including Greater Hartford.

Teen reading book on couch

Community Housing Assistance Program (CHAP)

Begun in 1996, this program consists of supervised scattered site apartments for DCF committed youth 18 years and older to provide support and guidance in their final steps toward independence.

Teenagers hugging

Youth In Transition

The Bridge Family Center's Youth in Transition (YIT) Transitional Living Program is an innovative and critical program for runaway and homeless youth (RHY) ages 16-23 (16-21 upon entry), including non-system youth and pregnant and parenting teens and their children in Central Connecticut, including Greater Hartford.

Annually, the program will provide transitional housing and supportive services, including five scattered site apartments, to 16 youth who seek assistance to leave the streets and build independent, secure lives. At any one time, the apartments will be able to accommodate up to 10 YTI participants and 4 of their children.

Woman sitting on couch

Community Housing Assistance Program

The Bridge Family Center initiated the Community Housing Assistance Program (CHAP) in 1996. This supervised, scattered site apartment program for DCF youths, 17 years and older, provides support and guidance on the final step to independent, responsible adulthood. Skill development begun in Community Based Life Skills is put into practice and youth begin to establish themselves in a community. Full-time education, part-time work, and financial savings are integral to the program.

Meet Our Independent Living Team

Bryan Block

Director of Independent Living Programs

Chrysta Albanesi

Independent Living Case Manager

Amani Boland

Independent Living Case Manager

Lora Hobson

Independent Living Case Manager

Jessica Mozley

Independent Living Case Manger

Lashay Williams

Independent Living Case Manager